Easy and Delicious Homemade Tomato Chutney Recipe

This image shows a healthy and delicious Tomato Chutney Recipe paired with 3 Idli's ready to serve, representing South Indian cuisine.
Easy and Healthy Homemade Tomato Chutney Paired with Idli

An Introduction to Healthy Tomato Chutney Recipe: A Burst of Flavor in Every Spoonful

Tomatoes and Onions are important and mostly used vegetables in the preparation of every dish. Tomatoes not only add vibrant red color and tangy taste to the recipe but also they are health beneficial to our body. 

The tangy Tomato Chutney Recipe is a healthy, delicious, and easy recipe to prepare at home. With this Tomato chutney, you can tempt your taste buds with a burst of flavors.

This homemade Tomato chutney dish is a versatile recipe that can go well with Idli, dosa, and samosas or can be spread on a Sandwich. This recipe gives you a perfect balance between sweet, sour, and spicy flavors. Tomatoes are a nutritional powerhouse that is packed with Antioxidants, Vitamins, and Minerals.

Adding Tomato Chutney Recipe to your breakfast makes you boost your body’s nutrient intake. So let us dive into this lip-snacking recipe article, that uncovers the incredible health benefits, storage tips, Nutritional value of this recipe, and step-by-step process to prepare this tomato chutney.

Table of Contents

The health benefits of Tomato Chutney are because of the main ingredient Tomato and other spices and herbs used in this recipe. Tomatoes are rich in Vitamins like A, C, and K as well as antioxidants like lycopene. This Lycopene is well known for its cancer fighting properties. 

They also contain minerals like Potassium, and Folate that promotes good Cardiovascular function. The spices used in this Tomato Chutney recipe such as ginger, turmeric have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting benefits.

Tomatoes are rich in fibre, beta carotene and also they are low in calories. According to USDA 100grams contain 18 calories. Beta carotene is good for heart health and fibre promotes good metabolism and gives the feeling of fullness for a long time. Thus, Tomatoes help to promote weight loss.

Coriander on other side is not just a flavorful hub, but also packed with many health benefits. Coriander contain vitamin K, C, A as well as minerals like iron and calcium. Coriander is well known to aid digestion , promote healthy skin and they even have antimicrobial properties.

Ginger on other hand is revered for its digestive properties. Its distinct flavor adds a delightful zing to our tomato chutney recipe.

Zinger often used to alleviate nausea, reduce inflammation and boost immunity.

How to wash Ingredients of Tomato Chutney properly:

First, wash ingredients like Tomatoes, ginger, and coriander with your hands to remove any dirt under running water and keep the ingredients aside. 

Now, take a bowl and add some warm water to it. Now add Vinegar, salt, and Turmeric to the warm water.

Place Tomatoes, Ginger, and Coriander into the solution. Let them  Soak for 15 minutes.

Again wash the ingredients in running water. Now the ingredients are ready to prepare the recipe.

Tomato Chutney Recipe Ingredients:

1.)Tomatoes – 2 (medium-sized)

2.)Green Chillies – 2

3.)Ginger (Peeled) – 1 inch 

4.)Coriander leaves with stalks or Cilantro – 5 

5.)Turmeric – 1/4 tsp

6.)Red Chilli Powder – 1/4 tsp

7.)Split Black Gram – 1/4 tsp

8.)Mustard Seeds – 1/4 tsp

9.)Zeera – 1/4 tsp

10.)Tamarind Paste –  1/2 tsp

11.)Curry leaves – 2 stems 

12.)Salt – as per your taste 

Step-by-Step Process:

Step1: Cutting the Ingredients, Tomatoes, and Onions.

Take 2 Tomatoes, 2 Green Chillies, and 1 medium-sized Onion. Cut tomatoes, Green Chillies, Coriander, and Onion into small pieces. Keep these nicely chopped ingredients aside for a while

Juicy red tomato sliced in half, revealing its vibrant interior.
Cut the Ripen Tomatoes into small pieces
A hand holding a knife cutting onions on a wooden chopping board, an essential step in making South Indian tomato chutney
Cut the Onions into small pieces with a sharp knife.

Step 2: Adding Oil and Tempering spices like jeera, chana dal, Ginger,Peanuts etc.

Now take a pan and place it on a stove. Add 3 spoons of sesame oil and let it be heated on a medium flame. When the oil is heated, add jeera, mustard seeds, Ginger, split black gram (Urad dal), Peanuts, and split Chana Dal (Bengal gram), and saute all these ingredients for 2 to 3 minutes in a medium flame. 

A small pan with oil being heated over medium flame. The chutney-making process is underway.
Pour 2 spoons of Sesame oil in a Pan and heat it.
A pan filled with heated oil, spices including jeera, chana dal, mustard seeds, and preparing South Indian tomato chutney
Tempering the spices like jeera, chana dal, and mustard seeds in the heated oil.
A pan filled with sizzling oil, spices like zeera, chana dal, mustard seeds, split black gram, and peanuts ready for South Indian tomato chutney recipe
Add Peanuts, Ginger, Curry leaves,Blackgram to the heated oil and temper them

Step 3:  Adding and Sauting Onions, Tomatoes, Coriander, and Curry leaves

Now add finely chopped Onions to the pan and saute it until the Onions turn to a light pink color or soften. Then add Tomato Pieces, and Coriander and mix them with the ingredients until it gets softened. 

Pan-filled with heated oil for South Indian tomato chutney, with spices, curry leaves, green chilies, and onion pieces ready to be sautéed
Add nicely chopped Onion pieces to the tempered spices
Fresh coriander leaves added to tempered spices, onions, and tomato pieces for South Indian tomato chutney.
Add chopped Coriander leaves or Cilantro to the mixture
Ripe tomato pieces being added to tempered spices for sautéing in tomato chutney recipe."
Add nicely chopped Tomato pieces to the tempered spices
Ingredients being sautéed together.such as coriander leaves, tempered spices, onions, and tomato pieces
Mix all the Spices, Herbs and cook them a medium flame.

Step 4:  Add Turmeric, Chili powder, Salt, and Tamarind Paste.

Add Turmeric powder, Red Chilli powder, Tamarind Paste, and Salt (as per taste)and saute them together. Now let these cooked ingredients cool down for a while.

Adding salt to sauteed ingredients for enhancing flavors.
Add Salt to the mixture as per your Taste
Tamarind paste being added to sautéed ingredients for tomato chutney, enhancing the flavor profile.
Add Turmeric Powder and Tamarind Paste
Turmeric powder is added to sautéed ingredients for the recipe, enhancing flavors and colors.
Now ,mix all the added Turmeric powder, Salt, Tamarind Paste with the mixture.

Step 5:  Blend all the ingredients in a Mixer Grinder

Transfer all the ingredients to a mixer grinder and blend them. Add a little water to get a good consistency and grind them again. 

Transferring sautéed ingredients from pan to mixer grinder and blend them to make a smooth texture.
Transfer the ingredients from the pan to the Mixer Grinder
This image shows Mixer cup filled with smooth tomato chutney, ready to serve.
Add some Water and Blend all the ingredients to get a smooth texture

Step 6:  Ready to Serve Your Healthy Homemade Tomato Chutney Recipe.

Now transfer the homemade Tomato Chutney Recipe onto a plate. This delicious and healthy Tomato Chutney can be accompanied by Idli, Dosas, Pesarattu, and Samosas and can be spread on a sandwich.

This image shows a Green plate with tomato chutney in a bowl and three idlis, ready to eat, showcasing South Indian cuisine fusion.
Your Homemade Healthy and Delicious Tomato Chutney Recipe with soft Idlis is the ultimate South Indian treat. Happy Eating!

Storage Tips for Tomato Chutney Recipe:

To ensure this recipe stays fresh for a long time follow these tips:

1.)Generally, the Tomato chutney recipe has a decent shelf-life when stored properly. Always transfer the chutney to an air-tight container or jar and store it in the refrigerator.

2.)Use a clean, dry, and sterilized jar to store your delicious chutney.

3.)Seal the jars or containers tightly in order to prevent air from entering and spoiling the chutney and store them in the refrigerator to maintain freshness.

4.)Avoid keeping them in warm or humid environments. Use a clean, dry spoon every time you scoop out the chutney to prevent contamination.

5.)Freeze the tomato chutney in small portions for longer storage. Just thaw it (defrost) in the refrigerator and stir the tomato chutney to ensure good texture before serving.

Estimated Nutritional Value of Tomato chutney:

The exact nutritional values may vary based on the different ingredients used and the serving size of 1 tablespoon (approximately 46g) of tomato chutney. Below shown nutritional information is based on a serving size of 1 tablespoon (approximately 46g) of tomato chutney.

 1.)Calories: 34 kcal

 2.)Total Fat: 0.1g

     (i) Saturated Fat: 0g

     (ii)Trans Fat: 0g

     (iii)Polyunsaturated Fat: 0g

     (iv)Monounsaturated Fat: 0.1g

 3.)Cholesterol: 0mg

 4.)Sodium: 101mg

 5.)Total Carbohydrates: 7.7g

 6,)Dietary Fiber: 0.5g

 7.)Sugars: 7g

 8.)Protein: 0.3g

 9.) Vitamin D: 0mcg

10.)Calcium: 6.1mg

11.) Iron: 0.2mg

12.)Potassium: 73.6mg

Some Tips to Elevate Your Tomato Chutney Recipe:

1.)To select good tomatoes, look for fresh, flavorful, ripened Tomatoes that have a vibrant Red color. Do not purchase damaged tomatoes.

2.)Adjust the quantity of green chilies, and sugar to get the required level of spiciness and sweetness in the chutney.

3.)Experiment with different ingredients. For instance, use red chilies instead of green chilies, prefer jaggery powder as a substitute for unhealthy sugar.

4.) For smoother consistency, strain the chutney after blending the ingredients in the mixer.

5.)To achieve different variations, add ingredients like mint leaves, roasted peanuts, and sesame seeds.   

Unknown Facts About Tomato Chutney:

Tomato chutney is not just a tasty condiment; it’s also a versatile ingredient in various cuisines, from Indian to     Mediterranean.

 The tangy flavor of tomato chutney pairs well with both savory and sweet dishes, making it a culinary favorite.
 In some regions, tomato chutney is enjoyed as a side dish with breakfast items like dosa and idli.

 Historical records suggest that tomato chutney has been a part of culinary traditions for centuries, dating back to         ancient civilizations.

Interesting Facts About Tomato Chutney:

There are some unknown and interesting facts about the Tomato chutney recipe. Here are some intriguing facts you need to know: 

Tomato chutney has been a delight to the taste buds in various cuisines worldwide. The Tomato Chutney is a Traditional Indian versatile recipe that includes spices and herbs with numerous health benefits.  In some cultures, tomato chutney is believed to have medicinal properties that enhance digestion and boost immunity. 

The combination of tomatoes and coriander in chutney not only creates a burst of flavor but also enhances the nutritional profile of the dish, making it a wholesome addition to any meal.Tomato Chutney enhance the flavor of stews, curries, and casseroles.

Tomato chutney serves as a flavorful enhancer for dishes such as curries, stews, and casseroles.

2. The natural sweetness in ripe tomatoes makes them a healthier alternative to sugar-loaded chutneys. The artificial sugars are chemically processed and contain harmful compounds like sulphur.

3.)The word Chatney means to lick which comes from the Hindi word Chatna.This clearly reflects the tempting nature of the chutneys.

4.) The tomato chutney recipe is highly customizable which means specific herbs and spices can be changed and adjusted for unique personal taste preferences.  

5.)For best color and sweetness the top 5 Indian tomato varieties are as follows:

 1.)Arka Rakshak

 2.)Arka Vishal

 3.)Pusa Early Dwarf

 4.)Roma VF

 5.)San Marzano


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) of Tomato Chutney Recipe:

Tomato chutney is a versatile condiment that complements a wide range of dishes, including sandwiches, burgers, and Indian snacks like samosas and pakoras.

1.)Arka Rakshak

2.)Arka Vishal



5.)San Marzano

Peeling is suggested by some for a smoother texture, but it’s not mandatory. It’s a matter of personal preference.

Many tomato chutney recipes are naturally vegan and gluten-free, but it’s important to check for specific ingredients like asafoetida or hing which may contain gluten.

Below are the common mistakes to avoid in the process of making a delicious tomato chutney.

Over Cooking: Do not overcook the tomatoes as it results in loss of flavor and gives a mushy texture.

Imbalance of Flavors: Maintain the balance of flavors by adjusting the appropriate level of ingredients like spices, herbs have strong flavors that may result in an imbalance of flavors. Do not add more water as it disturbs the consistency ( too runny or too thick) of the tomato chutney.

Avoid Unripened and Overripe Tomatoes: Do not use overripened or unripe tomatoes that give you a sour, or bland chutney.

Not Using Sterilized Jars: To store the tomato chutney for a longer time always use a sterilized jars that avoid spoilage of the chutney.


Yes! Feel free to adjust the number of red chilies or green chilies according to your preference. You can also add a pinch of chili powder for an extra kick.


Tomato Chutney is a versatile dish that is packed with many health beneficial nutrients like Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They help in sufficient nutrient intake of our body, promotes heart health, and weight management. This delicious tangy tomato chutney recipe is a traditional Indian recipe and is also easy to make at home.

In this post, we also dicussed about Step-by-Step process to prepare this recipe  proper cleaning process of Ingredients, nutitional value, storage tips some and interesting facts about Tomato chutney. This flavorful Tomato chutney can be paired with Idli’s, dosa, pakoras and also spreaded on the sandwich.

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