5 Best Refreshing Homemade Fruit Juices You Must Drink in Summer

Homemade fruit juices collage image: refreshing watermelon juice, natural sugarcane juice, and muskmelon juice.
Boost Your Body with this Amazing Easy to make Homemade Fruit Juices

Staying hydrated in the summer season is the top priority decision one should make. The more water you drink in summer, the better you get hydrated. However, the body’s level of essential fluids, like electrolytes, declines due to excess sweating. 

This causes fatigue and exhaustion and makes you vulnerable to sunstroke. Alongside fresh water, consuming homemade fruit juices that are seasonal and natural-gifted is a smart choice.

These juices replenish your declined electrolyte level and nourish your body with vital nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that keep you healthy and energized throughout the day.

In this article, we explore 5 healthy and refreshing seasonal homemade fruit juices and their surprising health benefits that are a breeze to make at home. These juices not only taste great but also help you stay cool and hydrated.

 Most of the fruit juices in this list are rich in water, antioxidants, fibre, etc, making them a health-beneficial option.

5 hydrating homemade fruit juices in summer:-

1.)Homemade Watermelon juice: A Refreshing Sweet melon Elixir:

To prepare homemade fruit Juices, Watermelon fruit can be one of the best options. Watermelon is a perfect fruit to keep you hydrated due to its loaded water content. 

This watermelon juice in summer is a hydrating elixir for our body. It has a delicious taste and is packed with nutrients that are essential to our body.

One can eat watermelon fruit as a whole or make fresh watermelon juice and drink it. Watermelon juice is packed with antioxidants like lycopene, fibre, and vitamins.

As this fruit is low in calories and high in water content (91%), watermelon juice could be a perfect option for people who are seeking weight loss.

   Fresh Homemade Watermelon Fruit Juice contain:

     Watermelon juice contains:-

  • Vitamins – A, C, and B6 (pyridoxine)
  • High in water content – 91%
  • Fibre
  • Antioxidants like Lycopene
  • Beta-carotene, a type of carotenoid and provitamin.
  • Contains a natural source of Electrolytes like Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, and phosphorus.
  • An Amino acid called “Citrulline” which is converted into “Arginine” in the body.
  • Vitamin A, present in watermelon juice, promotes healthy skin, while Vitamin C boosts immune function.
Image of two glasses filled with homemade watermelon juice on a rustic wooden table, showcasing the benefits of homemade fruit juices
Homemade Watermelon Fruit Juice: A Hydrating Nutrient Punch to your Health

Health Benefits of Homemade Watermelon Fruit Juice:

·   Vitamin B6 is important for good nerve function and the breakdown of proteins and also fights skin breakouts.

·   Antioxidants combat oxidative stress and reduce inflammation. 

  •    The antioxidant present in watermelon juice is called “Lycopene” is said to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

·   The high amount of water content present in watermelon juice quenches your thirst and keeps you cool and hydrated in a hot summer.

·   The fibre content in watermelon supports digestive health.

·   Since this fruit is low in calories, it is a good option for weight management.

  • Electrolytes present in watermelon juice, such as potassium and magnesium, restore the body’s declining electrolyte level.
  • It is ideal as a post-workout drink because it aids in good muscle function.
  • This juice protects your skin from sun damage and prevents premature ageing.
  • This red watermelon juice helps regulate blood pressure and support cardiovascular health.
  • The beta-carotene present in this juice improves eye health.
  • This watermelon juice acts as a natural diuretic that can aid in detoxification.
  • An amino acid called Citrulline, present in this juice, promotes blood circulation and aids in muscle recovery.

2.)Coconut Water: A Tropical Hydration Drink in Hot Sunny Days:-

Coconut water is a nature-gifted electrolyte-filled drink that makes you feel hydrated and quenches your thirst in summer. The edible coconut water we drink is rich in antioxidants, amino acids, and vitamins and contained in a hard shell called Endocarp.

Both the coconut water and coconut meat are filled with nutrients. From a coconut fruit, one can extract edible coconut milk and coconut oil that nourishes our hair. 

Even though Coconut water is not a homemade drink, one can add fruit purees of mango, banana, strawberries, etc that can enhance the taste and nutritional profile of the Coconut drink.

Usually, a tender coconut fruit contains about 233 – 271 ml of liquid. Coconut water is a low-calorie drink, containing about 94% water and little fat, making it a healthier alternative to sugary beverages.

 Coconut water Vital Ingredients:-

  • Rich in electrolytes and minerals such as Potassium (470mg), Manganese, and Calcium
  • Has more water content (94%)
  • It contains Phytohormones that are also called cytokines.
  • Vitamin C, Zinc, Sodium, Magnesium.
  • Amino acids like Alanine, Arginine, Cystine
Two glasses filled with fresh coconut water - Homemade fruit juices and amazing health benefits

Coconut Water Benefits for Well-being:

  • Due to its natural Diuretic properties, coconut water may reduce the risk of Kidney stones and thus promote kidney health.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of coconut water help to reduce joint pain and swelling.
  • The rich Potassium content in coconut water helps promote good cardiovascular health.
  • It ensures proper blood flow and regulates blood pressure levels that, in turn, reduce the risk of hypertension and other heart diseases.
  • The electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium keep the body hydrated, quench your thirst in summer, and protect you from dehydration.
  • Drinking Coconut water promotes anti-ageing effects on cells because of the cytokine content present in it.
  • The Vitamin C content in this nature’s gifted drink boosts the immune function of the body.
  • Since coconut water is low in calories and sugars, it can help reduce cholesterol levels in the body and support heart health.
  • Coconut water prevents constipation and aids in proper digestive function.
  • This coconut water is the best alternative to chemically processed sugary sports drinks.
Two glasses filled with coconut water showcasing homemade fruit juices and their amazing health benefits
Fresh Coconut Water in a glass to beat the heat in hot Summer

To Enhance the experience of drinking coconut water one can add:

Adding Pudina or mint leaves and a little bit of grated ginger to coconut water enhances the flavour and adds anti-inflammatory properties to the drink.

You can also add soaked chia seeds and honey to the coconut water as chia seeds are rich in fibre, and honey gives a sweet taste to the coconut water.

Adding fruit purees like pineapple, mango, bananas, lemon juice, and strawberries to coconut water creates a tasty, healthy, and refreshing summer drink

3.)Enjoy Refreshing Cool Homemade Lassi in the Hot Summer:

Quench your thirst, delight your taste buds, and nurture your body with these amazing healthful benefits of the traditional Indian favourite drink named, Lassi. This traditional tasty drink is packed with probiotics that support gut health by aiding digestion.

Drinking Lassi in summer helps you beat the heat in summer by hydrating your body and keeping you cool. With its essential proteins, vitamins, and electrolytes, lassi restores lost fluids and nurtures your body.

Homemade Lassi is infused with:

  • Probiotics like Lactobacillus helveticus
  • Vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B12.
  • Also contains, B Vitamins like Vitamin B1(thiamine), B2(riboflavin), B3(niacin), B5(pantothenic acid)
  • Carbohydrates
  • Protein
  • Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and Phosphorous
Glass of traditional homemade Indian Lassi on a plate highlighting the benefits of homemade fruit juices and drinks
Tasty and Delicious Home-crafted Traditional Lassi Juice for overall Well-being

Health Benefits of Drinking Traditional Homemade Lassi in Summer :

1.   Lassi is a refreshing, tasty, and healthy drink that is enriched with protein, vitamins, minerals and probiotics.

2.   It keeps your body cool and hydrated, prevents dehydration and shields you from sunstroke in the hot summer season.

3.   The carbohydrates in Lassi provide energy and help promote good stamina.

4.   Vitamin A is vital for good vision and healthy skin and aids in proper immune function that fights against infections.

5.   Vitamin B12 is essential for never functioning and red blood cell RBC production.

6.   Vitamin B1 supports Good nervous system function and body metabolism.

7.   Vitamin B2 supports good vision and healthy skin. It also aids in energy production and antioxidant activity.

8.   Vitamin B3 supports joint mobility and improves skin health. It also helps to reduce cholesterol and prevent the risk of heart disease.

9.   Vitamin B5, on the other hand, synthesizes proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It helps to elevate stress and supports adrenal function.

10.   Minerals like Phosphorus and Calcium are crucial for healthy bones and teeth.

11.   Potassium is responsible for maintaining fluid balance, proper muscle function and supporting heart health.

12.   Iron is necessary for oxygen transport in the blood.

13.   Lassi contains a protein called casein and whey that helps with muscle building and repair.

14.   The cooling effect in lassi maintains body temperature and shields you from some strokes during hot summer days.

15.   Good gut bacteria like lactobacillus help in maintaining good health by enhancing the growth of healthy intestinal flora and preventing gastrointestinal issues.

16.)Bloating and constipation can be prevented with the intake of Lassi in summer.

Home-prepared Lassi Variations:-

  • Crushed pieces of dry fruits like pistachios, almonds, and cashews are on the top layer of the Lassi to enhance the nutritional profile and nutty flavour.
  • Instead of chemically processed sugars that contain sulphur, add natural raw honey and organic jaggery to have a sweet taste in the lassi.
  • Fresh, seasonally available home-crafted fruit pieces of Mangoes, Pineapple, and Strawberries can be blended with Lassi to give a fruity punch to the drink.
  • Cardamom, saffron, rose water, and flavoured syrup can be added to increase the taste of the Lassi.
  • Lassi is available with different variations based on the ingredients used in it.

1.) Sweet Lassi

2.)Salted Lassi

3.)Mango Lasi

4.)Banana Lassi

5.)Mint Lassi

6.)Strawberry Lassi

7.)Masala Lassi, etc.

4.)Sugarcane juice – An Immunity Boosting Nectar:-

Sugarcane juice: one of the best natural and delicious juices to drink in summer to beat the heat is none other than sugarcane juice. This tasty juice is extracted by pressing the sugarcane, extracting the juice, and discarding the pulp.

Sugarcane is commercially grown throughout the globe in places like the Indian subcontinent, North Africa, Egypt, etc.

As per USDA,100 grams contain 269 calories of energy. The total fat contained in sugarcane juice is zero. The total carbohydrate content is 23 grams.

When combined with lemon juice and soaked Chia seeds, this naturally gifted juice becomes a coolant to the body, providing essential antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins.

Two glasses filled with refreshing homemade sugarcane juice, highlighting the health benefits and natural sweetness of homemade fruit juices.

Freshly pressed Sugarcane juice contains:

  • Vitamins -Vitamins A, C, and B are complex vitamins like B1 (thiamine), B2(riboflavin), and B3(niacin).
  • Minerals – Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Iron.
  • Carbohydrates
  • Antioxidants
  • Proteins

Health Perks of Fresh Sugarcane Juice Punch

  • Antioxidants like polyphenols that are present in sugarcane juice boost the immune system, help combat oxidative stress, and prevent cell damage.
  • Antioxidants also improve skin health and texture and fight against skin infections and ageing.
  • Sugarcane juice is the best refreshing and rehydrating drink. 
  • It replenishes lost fluids in the body due to excess sweat during hot summer days.
  • Natural sugar called Sucrose is present in Sugarcane juice, gives you instant energy, and can combat fatigue and tiredness.
  • The high Potassium content prevents stomach infections by maintaining the PH balance of the stomach and thus aids in digestion and supports gut health.
  • Sugarcane juice has diuretic properties that detoxify the body and cause the kidneys to excrete sodium.
  • This sodium takes water content with it from the blood and reduces the excessive volume of fluids circulating the bloodstream.
  • This helps in blood pressure and reduces swelling.
  • Sugarcane juice supports liver health by enhancing the liver cleansing process.
  • It also helps in managing diseases like jaundice by maintaining good electrolyte balance.
  • Sugarcane juice combined with ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, and lemon is rich in vitamin C, boosts the immune system, and enhances overall health benefits.
  • Recent studies boast that this sugarcane, ginger, and lemon combination reduces the duration of symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • However, for diabetic patients, it is good to avoid sugarcane juice since it contains naturally occurring sugars like sucrose that may hike up the sugar levels in the body.

Homemade Add-ins to Natural Sugarcane juice:

  • Lemon or Lime: Gives a tangy taste and enhances vitamin C levels, making a more flavorful drink.
  • Mint leaves: Adding mint leaves to sugarcane juice gives you a cool and refreshing punch and also contributes to good skin health.
  • Fruit Twist: Fruits like pineapple and orange create a unique flavour and nurture the nutritional profile of the juice.
  • Ginger and soaked chia seeds: This adds a spicy kick and includes the benefits of anti-inflammatory properties. It also adds fibre content to the juice.

5.)Summertime Homemade Mango Fruit Juice for Summer:

Mango juice is a popular, delicious summer drink that everyone loves to drink. A variety of fresh mangoes are easily available throughout India during the summer season. 

      Some popular varieties of mangoes that you can try are listed below.

  1. Alphonso mangoes
  2. Pune hailakandi Mango
  3. Kaju ras malai
  4. Banginapalli mango
  5. Rasaalu
  6. Panduri maamidi

One can add Mango fruit Juice to your list of homemade fruit juices. This delicious juice can be readily made at home as it only requires fresh ripened Mangoes that are easily available.

To get the best flavour and texture, one should choose ripe and fresh mangoes. Additionally, you can add other fruits like banana and pineapple to mango for a healthy, refreshing drink.

One can make a variety of mango drinks like mango lassi, mint mango lassi, mango Smoothie, mango Sharbat, etc.

Freshly Squeezed Mango Fruit Juice is packed with:

Vitamins – A, C, E, K, B6, B9(folate)

Antioxidants – Astragalin, Quercetin, isoquercetin, Mangiferin, Zeaxanthin, Beta-carotene

Soluble and Insoluble Fiber

Minerals – Potassium, Iron, Copper, Calcium, Magnesium

Choline, a water-soluble compound

Water content – 84%


Three fresh mango slices on a plate, perfect for homemade fruit juices and their amazing health benefits
Visual Illustration of sliced Mango pieces on a plate
A glass filled with fresh homemade mango juice, showcasing the vibrant color and health benefits of homemade fruit juices
Fresh and Sweet Homemade Mango Fruit Juice in a glass.
A glass filled with fresh homemade mango juice on a plate, placed on a rustic wooden table, showcasing the vibrant yellow colors and health benefits of homemade fruit juices.
Chill your body with Homemade Mango Fruit Juice that is ready to drink.

Homemade Mango Fruit Juice Benefits: A healthy Nutritional Kick

  • From boosting the Immune system to supporting the heart’s health, mango juice provides many health benefits to your body.
  • Mango juice is an excellent choice to keep your body rehydrated in hot summer days because of its rich water content.
  • The soluble and insoluble fibre present in mango juice prevents constipation and promotes a healthy digestive system.
  • The antioxidants present in mangoes protect the cells by fighting free radicals in the body.
  • Both Carbohydrates and a natural sugar named Sucrose are present in Mangoes, giving you instant energy and keeping you active and refreshed.
  • Minerals like Potassium and Magnesium present in this mango juice protect cardiovascular health by regulating Blood Pressure and maintaining a healthy rhythm.
  • Vitamins A and C help in collagen production, shield your body against Sun damage and give natural glowing skin.
  • Vitamin A prevents age-related macular degeneration and is also responsible for healthy eye vision by supporting the rhodopsin present in the eyes to function properly during low-light situations.
  • Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, helps fight infections and diseases, and supports iron absorption.
  • Since mangoes are low in calories but high in fibre, they help promote weight management.

Fresh Add-ins for Homemade Mango Fruit Juice:

  • Mint Leaves: Incorporating Mint leaves into Mango leaves adds anti-microbial properties and additional antioxidants to this refreshing drink.
  • Lemon Juice: Lemon juice provides extra vitamin C and adds more tanginess to the drink.
  • Chia seeds: Adds Omega-3 fatty content and fibre.
  • Yoghurt: Incorporating Yogurt into mango juice adds essential probiotics to the gut and gives you a creamy texture to the juice.
  • Coconut water: Tender Coconut water adds essential electrolytes and enhances the hydrating properties of the juice.
  • By adding these healthy ingredients, you can enhance the Mango juice’s nutritional value and taste.

Final Thoughts of Refreshing Home-blended Fruit Juices:-

This article reveals the top 5 must-try homemade fruit juices and their amazing health benefits to boost your health. From nutrient-rich, hydrating Watermelon juice to antioxidant-loaded Sugarcane juice, Lassi, and nature-gifted Coconut water, these natural beverages offer a delicious way to enhance your health.

Learn how each juice can support your immune system, improve skin health, and provide essential vitamins and minerals. Don’t hesitate to add different ingredients to your juice that enhance your nutritional profile, taste, and flavour. Explore these easy-to-make homemade fruit juice recipes and rejuvenate your health with these fresh, made-at-home fruit juices today!